Tendering Tending

To Nurture the Spark of Abolitionist Imagination

emerge/flourish began with the recognition that the change that we desire to see in the world will not come about through intellectual practice, yet through more subtle practice that reconnects us with other ways of knowing. —

emerge/flourish was created by integrating over 10 years my personal embodied learning with group and individual offerings. I referred to this as applied embodied practice. Since the fall of 2022, I have been engaged in embodied learning to sense into a different orientation towards social change. One that does not arrive to us through logic and metrics, but through the risk and vulnerability of stepping into the uncharted. What I’ve learned, the uncharted is not what is outside of us. The uncharted is the landscape within us. It is through this work of personal exploration, that new possibilities are revealed. My offerings are in service of this space —the imaginal.

How do we shift from the tactical and rigid to holding more and more space for the exploratory and supple? How do we leave space for the possibility that the change we desire to see in the world is unfolding within and before us? I am curious about the revelatory ways of change.

This space is not for everyone. Yet, if you are curious, stay tuned.

I will share more in this space over the course of 2024.